Expressing Peace. Whispurr. 83
I am asleep on my back when Whispurr gently steps — one paw a time — on my chest. She settles with her forefeet tucked between her sternum and mine. Almost awake, I recall our just-as-gentle first meeting. At PetCo in Sterling, VA., 2001, I said OK to the volunteer’s invitation to “just see how […]
In: Christ Spirit, Happiness, Home, Life, Love, meditation, Peace, Prayer, Praying · Tagged with: Christ, God, Love, Oneness, Peace, praying, spiritual simplicity
Expressing Peace. Daily Word (2). 78.
Today’s Daily Word says, “We have spiritual power and through our peaceful thoughts, words, and actions, we can create a peaceful world…….I think peace, speak peace, and act in ways that foster peace. I am a peace maker.” The daily word: World Peace. By today — Day 78 — it must be obvious that I […]
In: Home, Inner Peace, Intention, Oneness, Peace, Prayer, Praying, Thanksgiving · Tagged with: Faith, Joy, Love, Oneness, Peace, Prayer, praying, spiritual simplicity
Expressing Peace. Mantra, Affirmation, Prayer. 54.
Mantra. Affirmation. Prayer. Easy to get them mixed up. No reason to. Really, no reason to differentiate among them. Each serves the same purpose: as a way to connect more closely with Spirit. Some say the heart of a mantra is the rhythm, the vibration it creates that opens our Self to Spirit. Some say […]
In: Affirmation, God, Mantra, Peace, Prayer · Tagged with: Affirmations, Divine Spirit, Joy, Love, Peace, Prayer
Expressing Peace. Transition.51.
A friend made his transition yesterday. I’ve been conditioned to think, “Rest in peace.” This morning’s praying had me look at Peace and transition from earthly life to Spirit in new ways. When one shifts from being human to being Spirit, Peace is all around. Transition is from the beautiful life on earth to the supreme Peace that […]