Expressing Peace. Mantra, Affirmation, Prayer. 54.

Mantra. Affirmation. Prayer

Mantra. Affirmation. Prayer.

Mantra. Affirmation. Prayer.

Easy to get them mixed up. No reason to. Really, no reason to differentiate among them. Each serves the same purpose: as a way to connect more closely with Spirit.

Some say the heart of a mantra is the rhythm, the vibration it creates that opens our Self to Spirit.

Some say the heart of an affirmation is its statement of truth about ourself that enhances our well-being, our sense of Self.

Some say the heart of prayer is our most creative communication with (or communication to) God.

I say each is a gateway to Peace: achieving harmonious vibration with Spirit or repeating what we believe Spirit believes or opening our Self in any way we choose to let us know the Presence of Spirit.

This afternoon on the 3rd lap of my swim, I began to chant I love you, GOD. And you love me. I did that to the halfway point. Right arm stroke: I love you, GOD. Left arm stroke: And you love me.

And then I switched, arms and words. Right arm: You love me, GOD. Left arm: And I love you.

Must have been a mantra for there was a definite rhythm. Must have been an affirmation for it amplified my well-being. Must have been a prayer for it opened me to GOD, surrounding me as water.

At first I thought today I found the peace, rather than Peace finding me. Then I saw it’s just like mantra-affirmation-prayer. Does it matter?

Loving Spirit,
our throats, our bodies, and our hearts
know your Peace
and express my peace.
They are not separate.
They affirm the eternal Good of which we’re made.
They sing the complete Joy with which we’re filled.
They swim in the total Peace surrounding and upholding all of us.
Every word we speak and song we sing and step we take,
every smile we share and breath we take and love we bring
affirms our good,
chants our living,
prays our peace.
And so it is. Amen.Amen.

Enjoy Peace. Express Peace.



Posted on October 6, 2014 at 5:54 pm by Tim · Permalink
In: Affirmation, God, Mantra, Peace, Prayer · Tagged with: , , , , ,