Archive for the ‘Prayer’ Category
Fuel the Mind.
Let’s look at how we might fuel the mind in our Body-Mind-Spirit triangle. Our mental presence gives directions to the body. It drives every action the body takes. Of course, that means it directs our interaction with people, our performance at work or at home, our smiles, the steps we take, the blinks of our […]
In: Energy, God, Gratitude, Prayer, Praying · Tagged with: Energy, Mindfulness, praying
Feed the Body.
The body is the tool that our minds operate. A tool that gets a great deal of attention. The body is most satisfying to our mind when it is in good working order. That means when it feels good, moves well, rests fully, recovers quickly. What seamstress isn’t happiest when the sewing machine hums productively? […]
5 Ways to Boost Inner Peace
We want peace in the world. We want peace in our time. It surely starts with our inner peace. So where do we find that? How do we realize that? What are the keys to maintaining it? Visualize Receiving Peace. Rather than envisioning yourself getting rid of what is not peaceful, visualize peace coming in […]
In: Beauty, Colors, Energy, Gratitude, Happiness, Inner Peace, Joy, Life, Music, Peace, Peacefulness, Prayer · Tagged with: Energy, Joy, Mindfulness, Peace
Your Best Impression
Impressions mark our lives. Those impressions we make on others; those others make on us. Now that I’m the age I am, two things occur frequently: I reflect on people I’ve known and I regret the negative impressions I’ve left on too many. Almost everything in life leaves an impression. That leaf, weighing almost nothing, left […]
In: Affirmation, Christ Spirit, Prayer · Tagged with: Christ, Oneness, spiritual simplicity, Unity