Archive for the ‘Gratitude’ Category
God’s Dwelling Place.
What wonders some discoveries bring. New ways of saying and seeing things that affirm (perhaps expand) what I already know and believe. Discoveries that are new “Aha!” producers. “I was created in God’s likeness and image; I am God’s dwelling place.” (Sacred Space for Advent and the Christmas Season 2016-2017) First half of that statement […]
In: Affirmation, Energy, God, Gratitude, Grounded, Home, Oneness, Power, Prayer, Strength · Tagged with: Divine Spirit, God, power of good, Presence, Strength
Wrong Side of the Door.
By day 3 of the cruise, Cindy and I were well acquainted with the evening dinner routine, the others at our table (#408) and our serving team, Nadan, Darko and Josephus. They were impressive. Their dedication to pleasing the customers was superlative. The effort (time+energy+enthusiasm) with which they performed was inspiring. Their smiles were constant […]
In: Energy, Forgiveness, Gratitude, Humility, Humor, Joy, Peacefulness, Prayer, Strength, Thanksgiving · Tagged with: Energy, Forgiveness, Joy, meditation, Prayer, spiritual simplicity, Strength, thanksgiving
Return to Running…and to Prayerful Life.
Thanksgiving Day I ran the Georgetown (TX) 5 Mile Turkey Trot. First road race in quite a few years. June of this year I posted the previous Prayerful Life piece. Today then marks the first post in several months. I began running in 1980. In 1999 I began praying with something near the fervor of […]
In: Commitment, Energy, Gratitude, Happiness, Inner Peace, Intention, Joy, Prayer, Praying · Tagged with: Energy, Faith, Intention, Joy, praying, Strength
Morning Prayer: 42/100. The Glutton Squirrel.
Squirrel Glutton hung upside down from the bird feeder chain and gorged on seeds. When I walked out on the patio, Squirrel scooted up the chain, along the limb, up the trunk. He eyed me from a fork in the tree trunk. Just his ears, eyes and nose in sight. Squirrel’s steady gaze said, “You […]
In: Beauty, Commitment, Gratitude, Happiness, Life, Prayer, Praying, Prosperity, Strength, Thanksgiving · Tagged with: Prayer, praying, Prosperity, spiritual simplicity, thanksgiving