Let Go. Let God.
I am interrupting the current Affirmantra© series, but only for this posting. Last evening I made well-being calls to those in my Prayer Chaplain group. When the call went to their voice mail, I would release the prayer message below. The more times I said it, the better I felt. Living, loving Spirit, we hear […]
In: Affirmation, Humility, Love, Peacefulness, Prayer, Praying · Tagged with: Affirmations, Joy, meditation, Oneness, power of good, Prayer, praying
Expressing Peace. Amazement. 88.
Amazement happens and is almost immediately overlooked. In fact, it’s overlooked so immediately, it may not be recognized at all. We grow accustomed to so many amazing things we take them for granted. The increasing speed at which an increasing number of (amazing) things happen: too many, too fast for us to stop and smell […]
In: Beauty, Happiness, Joy, Life, Love, Oneness, Peace, Prayer, Praying · Tagged with: Joy, Love, Oneness, Peace, power of good, praying, spiritual simplicity
Expressing Peace. Whispurr. 83
I am asleep on my back when Whispurr gently steps — one paw a time — on my chest. She settles with her forefeet tucked between her sternum and mine. Almost awake, I recall our just-as-gentle first meeting. At PetCo in Sterling, VA., 2001, I said OK to the volunteer’s invitation to “just see how […]
In: Christ Spirit, Happiness, Home, Life, Love, meditation, Peace, Prayer, Praying · Tagged with: Christ, God, Love, Oneness, Peace, praying, spiritual simplicity
Expressing Peace. Daily Word (2). 78.
Today’s Daily Word says, “We have spiritual power and through our peaceful thoughts, words, and actions, we can create a peaceful world…….I think peace, speak peace, and act in ways that foster peace. I am a peace maker.” The daily word: World Peace. By today — Day 78 — it must be obvious that I […]