Change? Can You Make Some Change?
Bob Dylan’s famous lyric — the times they are a-changin’ — was written in 1963. Certainly, the world 50 years ago was in the midst of change. Consider how much (more) change has occurred in the half-century since then. Changes in just about every part of our lives: homes, cars, clothes, news sources, food, what we know […]
In: Affirmation, Happiness, Joy, meditation, Peacefulness, Prayer, Spirituality, Thanksgiving, Time · Tagged with: Affirmations, Faith, Joy, Love, Prayer, spiritual simplicity
Everywhere Spring
What a beautiful morning experiencing so many Spring blessings. I sat on our front porch, surrounded by sunrise and birdsong and cool breeze. Today’s the 11th day of what I call my 100 Day Prayer Vital (rather than “vigil”). It’s sweet attention to specific parts of the prayer start to my day. As Cindy and […]
In: Affirmation, Happiness, Joy, Love, Peacefulness, Prayer, Spirituality · Tagged with: Affirmations, Divine Spirit, God, Joy, Love, Oneness
Our Spiritual Flow
I learned to swim when I was 5. First lesson scared me almost breathless. 6 weeks later, I could jump fearlessly into the water, paddle joyfully to the other side of the pool, climb out and do it again. My spiritual flow started pretty much the same way. Fear to faith to joy. Ernest Holmes, […]
In: Affirmation, God, Happiness, Joy, Love, Oneness, Peacefulness, Spirituality · Tagged with: Affirmations, Divine Spirit, Faith, Joy, Love, Oneness, spiritual simplicity
Commitment and Devotion
Sweet humans we are. Wonderful mixtures of mind and heart. Pushed by one, pulled by the other. Or the other way ’round. Commitment is of the mind. Devotion from the heart. Each is an allegiance: one for good reason, the other for good love. And both are praiseworthy. Maybe truer is that when we hold […]
In: Beauty, Commitment, Oneness, Peacefulness, Prayer · Tagged with: Divine Spirit, Faith, God, Love, power of good, Prayer, spiritual simplicity