Our Spiritual Flow

activities_swimI learned to swim when I was 5. First lesson scared me almost breathless. 6 weeks later, I could jump fearlessly into the water, paddle joyfully to the other side of the pool, climb out and do it again.

My spiritual flow started pretty much the same way. Fear to faith to joy.

Ernest Holmes, founder of Science of Mind, said,

We are so used to thinking of ourselves as separate from one another that we suspect the very feeling and emotion that cause us to embrace everything in love. The one who loves most will live most.

I suggest our spiritual flow begins with recognizing that we are all connected inextricably to each other. That power is greater than any of us, greater than all of us, and our connection to that power and to each other is grounded in love and passion.

Spirituality reflects our consciousness of that connection, of the Oneness we are. By practicing spirituality we bring perspective, meaning and purpose to our life. That’s what Eric Butterworth was saying:

Life is lived from within-out. This means the universe is concentrated at the point where you are. More than this–you are the universe expressing as you. You are its living enterprise. It forever stands behind you with its full resources. However, the fullness of this universal support comes through you and not just to you.

Simply stated: spirituality is acting the truth: we are all One.

Sweet, sweet Spirit,
my existence is not mine alone,
nor is it only yours.
I share my being of you, being yours
with every other being who, too, is of you
and is yours.
We know the joy that you express,
the peace that you express,
the love that you express, and
the harmony that you express
are you coming full force through us.
We are blessed.
You are our blessing.
And so it is. Thank you, Spirit.

Stay in the flow!

Posted on March 19, 2014 at 5:31 am by Tim · Permalink
In: Affirmation, God, Happiness, Joy, Love, Oneness, Peacefulness, Spirituality · Tagged with: , , , , , ,