Commitment and Devotion

praise-devotion-light-charmingSweet humans we are. Wonderful mixtures of mind and heart. Pushed by one, pulled by the other. Or the other way ’round.

Commitment is of the mind. Devotion from the heart. Each is an allegiance: one for good reason, the other for good love.

And both are praiseworthy. Maybe truer is that when we hold true to either our commitment or our devotion, we are praiseworthy. And when we hold true to both, that’s worth praise x 2.

And just as commitment and devotion are products of mind and heart respectively, the human mixups that occur to both mind and heart can test how praiseworthy we are.

The beautiful truth is that we can make the step to commitment, say the vow of devotion, and then turn both over to Spirit. Ours is the initiation, the spark that connects our God-energy with the Power Source itself. That connection fuels both commitment and devotion. Spirit is the pilot that holds us to our chosen course.

The much appreciated instruction to let go, let God goes well beyond asking for something. We commit and we let go, not of the commitment but of the fear that we might “let go.” We devote and we let go, not of the love but of the fear the love might leave.

This power is something for which we cannot show too much gratitude. Too much gratitude is impossible.

Sweet Spirit,
the freedom you give that we may give ourselves
to a cause, a passion, a service
allows us growth and greater freedom.
Thank you.
The grace you give to support our
pledge is power strong within us.
Such power eases our struggle to remain
true to our commitments.
Such power raises our strength to remain
true to our devotions.
This power creates peace within us.
And we are grateful. Thank you, Spirit.


Posted on January 21, 2014 at 5:10 am by Tim · Permalink
In: Beauty, Commitment, Oneness, Peacefulness, Prayer · Tagged with: , , , , , ,