Return to Running…and to Prayerful Life.
Thanksgiving Day I ran the Georgetown (TX) 5 Mile Turkey Trot. First road race in quite a few years. June of this year I posted the previous Prayerful Life piece. Today then marks the first post in several months. I began running in 1980. In 1999 I began praying with something near the fervor of […]
In: Commitment, Energy, Gratitude, Happiness, Inner Peace, Intention, Joy, Prayer, Praying · Tagged with: Energy, Faith, Intention, Joy, praying, Strength
Morning Prayer: 41/100. Light!
Last week one fluorescent tube in our laundry room gave up after 2 weeks’ flickering. After removing the fixture cover, taking out the tube with the blackened end and its partner, I gathered two tubes that have been in the garage since we moved into the house. Not sure if they were parting gifts from […]
In: Affirmation, Energy, God, Grounded, Inner Peace, Life, Oneness, Power, Prayer, Praying, Strength · Tagged with: Affirmations, Energy, Faith, power of good, Prayer, praying, Strength
Return to Morning Prayer: 38/100. No Lost Balls.
So glad to return. So long away. Weeks of thinking/worrying what to say, how to return, where to re-begin. I’d taken almost as much time away from golf. Busy at work was my initial barrier. Then after time away, the fear of returning to the golf course was in my way. Opened this morning; […]
In: God, Gratitude, Happiness, Joy, Prayer · Tagged with: Abundance, Energy, God, spiritual simplicity, thanksgiving
Morning Prayer 37/100. Scratch outs
“Scratch outs. It’s important to hold the line on scratch outs.” Speaking was the department chairperson at the school where I began as an English teacher. He went on to explain that no paper was to be accepted if scratch outs that were total blackouts of a word or phrase. “Only single line scratch outs can […]
In: Change, Happiness, Inner Peace, Joy, Love, Oneness, Prayer · Tagged with: Divine Spirit, Energy, Faith, Forgiveness, Joy, Oneness, spiritual simplicity, Strength