Child pose.
Immediately after church service this morning, I intercepted friend Joanna at the back of the sanctuary. Shortly before, I had received a wonderful treat from her 9-year-old daughter, Serena. “I had the most fun watching Serena listen intently to the Sunday School story of Mary and Joseph making their way to Bethlehem. The class was […]
In: Energy, God, Grounded, Joy, Life, Oneness, Power, Prayer, Strength, Wellness · Tagged with: Body, Divine Spirit, Energy, Love, Oneness, spiritual simplicity, Strength, Truth
Wrong Side of the Door.
By day 3 of the cruise, Cindy and I were well acquainted with the evening dinner routine, the others at our table (#408) and our serving team, Nadan, Darko and Josephus. They were impressive. Their dedication to pleasing the customers was superlative. The effort (time+energy+enthusiasm) with which they performed was inspiring. Their smiles were constant […]
In: Energy, Forgiveness, Gratitude, Humility, Humor, Joy, Peacefulness, Prayer, Strength, Thanksgiving · Tagged with: Energy, Forgiveness, Joy, meditation, Prayer, spiritual simplicity, Strength, thanksgiving
Haggling with God.
Haggling is not my thing. That’s probably why I love Hafiz’s poem “Manic Screaming”. We should make all spiritual talk Simple today: God is trying to sell you something, But you don’t want to buy. That is what your suffering is: Your fantastic haggling Your manic screaming over the price! Rings true to me. The […]
In: Commitment, God, Grounded, Humility, Oneness, Peace, Prayer, Praying · Tagged with: Divine Spirit, Energy, Faith, Oneness, praying, spiritual simplicity, Strength
Humor from: Two Women. Three Dogs. Nine Planets.
Not far from home, one of the busier sidewalks is inlaid with the Solar System. It is in perfect proportion. The Sun, a yellow circle outline, fills the sidewalk’s width. How big a Sun would fit the sidewalk determined, then, the size and spacing of nine Mercury-to-Pluto tiles, along the side of the walk. I […]