Archive for the ‘Commitment’ Category
Morning Prayer 34/100. Beyond words
Tao is beyond words. and beyond understanding. Wayne Dyer’s transition 2 weeks ago led me back to his books, several of which I read long ago. I was drawn to one I have not read: Living the Wisdom of the Tao. And as I read about it, scanned it on Amazon, I decided not to […]
In: Affirmation, Change, Commitment, Humility, Intention, Life, meditation, Oneness, Prayer, Tao · Tagged with: Divine Spirit, Oneness, praying, spiritual simplicity, Tao
Morning Prayer 33/100. Steady pace
Moving at a steady pace is most often your best bet. I went out to run earlier than usual one morning last week. All along the way, a 10-yard stretch of grass separates sidewalk from boulevard. I rounded a curve and came upon a doe and two fawn, perhaps 3 weeks old, grazing on that […]
In: Beauty, Change, Commitment, Energy, Grounded, Happiness, Humor, Joy, Life, Peace, Prayer, Praying, Spirituality, Strength, Wellness · Tagged with: Energy, Grounding, Joy, Love, Oneness, Peace, power of good, praying, spiritual simplicity
Morning Prayer 30/100. Here and now.
Here and now — this place at this instant — is reality. Nothing else is. Here and now can be very hard to stay in. What happened 5 minutes ago was reality then. The turkey and cheese sandwich I made then is still reality, sitting here on the desk beside my laptop. However, the act of […]
In: Commitment, Grounded, Happiness, Home, Oneness, Peace, Prayer · Tagged with: Divine Spirit, Energy, God, Grounding, Oneness, Peace, spiritual simplicity
Morning Prayer 29/100. Being grounded
Being grounded began early this morning. I set out to run before sunrise. I was immediately conscious of the ground. The rhythm of my footfall sounding solidly against the asphalt. I was thankful to have firm ground to run on. To walk on, to stand on at other times, for that matter. Crossing a side street, I was freshly […]
In: Affirmation, Beauty, Commitment, God, Gratitude, Grounded, Inner Peace, Joy, Life, Oneness, Peace, Prayer, Spirituality · Tagged with: Affirmations, Divine Spirit, God, Joy, Oneness, Peace, Prayer