The Heart Chakra
As we ascend our chakras with each day’s prayer/meditation, we arrive today at the Heart Chakra. Please allow the following to work for you, or freely adapt to suit your Self.
Meditation to the Heart Chakra, Anahata*
Thank you, God, that I know love. [I love you, God.]
Thank you, God, that I know love. [I love you, God.]
Thank you, God, that I know unity. [I love you, God.]
Thank you, God, that I know joy. [I love you, God.]
Thank you, God, that I know forgiveness. [I love you, God.]
* The Heart Chakra, Anahata, governs the physical heart and the lungs, and so it is essential to our physical supply of energy and vitality. As well, it stimulates the love that nourishes our spiritual existence. As we center ourselves in love, we give our lives purpose and meaning. We anchor in Selfhood, and that is love itself. The qualities of the Heart Chakra are peace. love, unity, brotherhood and sisterhood, and joy.
Happy Thursday!
In: Affirmation, Chakra, God, Love, meditation, Prayer, Spirituality · Tagged with: Affirmations, Chakra, God, Love, Prayer