The Throat Chakra
We move today to the Throat Chakra. Unlike the three previous energy centers (chakras), this one differentiates us from other life forms. The throat is both an expressive channel (voice) and a receptive channel (food, drink). Meditation to the Throat Chakra, Vishuddha* Thank you, God, that I may speak prayers with you. [I love you, […]
In: Affirmation, Chakra, God, Love, meditation, Prayer, Spirituality · Tagged with: Affirmations, Chakra, God, Love, Prayer
The Heart Chakra
As we ascend our chakras with each day’s prayer/meditation, we arrive today at the Heart Chakra. Please allow the following to work for you, or freely adapt to suit your Self. Meditation to the Heart Chakra, Anahata* Thank you, God, that I know love. [I love you, God.] Thank you, God, that I know love. […]
In: Affirmation, Chakra, God, Love, meditation, Prayer, Spirituality · Tagged with: Affirmations, Chakra, God, Love, Prayer
My tears are God’s love
God, I know — though sometimes I forget! — when I am crying, You are truly talking with me, sharing with me. You are telling me that You are with me, that I am Your love, that You fill me with more of Your love. How beautiful to know that crying’s not a sad thing. […]