Expressing Peace. Common Ground. 91
“Common ground” is a benefit from demonstrating cultural awareness, especially in business. I’m including that in a training module I’m now developing; I’ve been working on clear understanding of what “common ground” means. I recall the importance of playgrounds years ago and the insistence on playing fair. That relates to a common ground. These days […]
In: Happiness, Home, Inner Peace, Joy, Love, Oneness, Peace, Prayer, Praying · Tagged with: Joy, Love, Peace, praying, spiritual simplicity
Expressing Peace. Amazement. 88.
Amazement happens and is almost immediately overlooked. In fact, it’s overlooked so immediately, it may not be recognized at all. We grow accustomed to so many amazing things we take them for granted. The increasing speed at which an increasing number of (amazing) things happen: too many, too fast for us to stop and smell […]
In: Beauty, Happiness, Joy, Life, Love, Oneness, Peace, Prayer, Praying · Tagged with: Joy, Love, Oneness, Peace, power of good, praying, spiritual simplicity
Expressing Peace. Gravity. 87.
Gravity is something so very familiar to me that I never think about it. Almost never. Gravity: the force of attraction by which terrestrial bodies tend to fall toward the center of the earth. Cindy and I saw the new movie Interstellar this afternoon. (High recommendations!). It deals with gravity and time at quantum levels […]
In: Christ Spirit, Energy, Home, Inner Peace, Life, Oneness, Peace, Prayer, Praying · Tagged with: Christ, Faith, God, Joy, Love, Peace, praying
Expressing Peace. Here I Am. 86.
Here I am. Friday afternoon, the crest between the work week and the weekend. Work to get to this point. Enjoy the pause at the top of the hill. Glide down into the weekend that, no matter how full, is where the week is meant to take me. At my not-too-neat desk, letting the 10 […]