Morning Prayer 11/100. Sitting still
I am sitting still. I am moving at jet speed. Both are true. Each is a blessing. [Note: this was drafted in flight Thursday 7/16] United flight 1591 is at 35,000 feet and on the way to San Francisco. Cindy’s and my vacation started officially when the wheels left the ground. We cannot get to […]
In: Happiness, Humility, Inner Peace, Love, Oneness, Peace, Prayer, Spirituality · Tagged with: creativity, Energy, Grounding, Oneness
Morning Prayer 7/100. A warning
A warning given — and received — during my early morning run. The day was dawning bright and warm. Many walkers were out and everyone was friendly. With all of them I shared a wave or a smile or a “Good morning!” Approaching a single walker from behind, I issued my customary warning. I lightly, […]
In: Commitment, Energy, Forgiveness, God, Happiness, Humility, Intention, Life, Peace, Spirituality, Strength · Tagged with: Divine Spirit, Energy, God, Oneness, Peace, spiritual simplicity
Morning Prayer 6/100. On the road
On the road just shy of 10 hours last Thursday, Cindy and I drove Austin to Beaumont (4:45) and back (4:50). In between we were blessed by attending my step-father’s funeral: remembering, celebrating, consoling, and visiting. Reflecting on the trip, I realized that for me going someplace is motivational. In speeches and presentations, I’ve readily […]
In: Beauty, Christ Spirit, God, Happiness, Home, Inner Peace, Joy, Life, Oneness, Prayer, Spirituality · Tagged with: Christ, Energy, God, Joy, Love, Peace, praying, spiritual simplicity
Morning Prayer 3/100. Happiness is you.
Cindy and I saw Hector and the Search for Happiness a couple of days ago. My kind of movie: fast-paced, lots of different settings, clever devices, and a strong message. The story is built around Hector’s discovery of many messages regarding, yes, the meaning of happiness. I will probably explore several of them during the […]
In: Affirmation, Commitment, God, Happiness, Joy, Life, Peace, Prayer, Praying, Spirituality · Tagged with: Energy, God, Joy, Love, Peace, Prayer, praying, spiritual simplicity