Archive for the ‘Prayer’ Category
Morning Prayer 4/100. Yin yang
Our yin yang is always present. Very shortly Cindy and I will drive to Beaumont, TX, for the memorial service/funeral for my step-dad, Marvin. Two days ago I checked the St. Mark’s website to verify time of service and saw, listed in the UpComing Events, the funeral for Mary Ellen Wisrodt. Marvin came into Mom’s […]
In: Affirmation, God, Happiness, Home, Inner Peace, Life, Prayer, Praying · Tagged with: Affirmations, Peace, Prayer, praying, spiritual simplicity, Strength
Morning Prayer 3/100. Happiness is you.
Cindy and I saw Hector and the Search for Happiness a couple of days ago. My kind of movie: fast-paced, lots of different settings, clever devices, and a strong message. The story is built around Hector’s discovery of many messages regarding, yes, the meaning of happiness. I will probably explore several of them during the […]
In: Affirmation, Commitment, God, Happiness, Joy, Life, Peace, Prayer, Praying, Spirituality · Tagged with: Energy, God, Joy, Love, Peace, Prayer, praying, spiritual simplicity
Morning Prayer 2/100: Praying Memories
Praying memories were strong this morning. About to sit and begin my journal writing, I reached for the lapboard I’ve used since 2010. It’s the board that supported years of Mom’s drawings, sketches, paintings. It’s an over-sized, heavy-duty wooden cutting board. I cannot remember when or where Mom bought it. I can recall seeing it […]
In: Colors, Happiness, Home, Joy, Life, Love, Oneness, Prayer, Praying · Tagged with: Color, Energy, Joy, Love, Peace, Prayer, praying, spiritual simplicity
Morning Prayer 01/100. Your prayers’ colors
Saturday, July 4, 2015, Cindy and I enjoyed the Georgetown fireworks celebration at San Gabriel Park. Some 30,000 people all having a wonderful time and almost all dressed in some variation of red, white, and blue. Sunday at Unity Church of the Hills a great many of the people attending both services were in red, […]