Archive for the ‘Prayer’ Category
Morning Prayer 14/100. Self reflection
Self reflection is a great deal of everything. And, I believe, self reflection is simply a great deal. Notice the photograph I took yesterday, of a very young girl trying on sun glasses in a shop in Carmel by the Sea. She had it down to an artful science. Select a pair of sunglasses, slip […]
In: Change, Commitment, Energy, God, Happiness, Humility, Humor, Inner Peace, Joy, Life, Oneness, Peace, Power, Prayer, Strength, Thanksgiving, Wellness · Tagged with: Divine Spirit, God, Grounding, Healing, Joy, Love, Oneness, Peace, Reflection, Strength, Truth
Morning Prayer 13/100. Making comparisons
Making comparisons can spoil your happiness. That’s one of Hector’s notes from Hector and the Search for Happiness. And I more and more find it true. And so I less and less indulge in comparisons. This morning I ran south on the Iron Horse Regional Trail. Day before yesterday I ran north. And two days […]
In: Change, God, Happiness, Inner Peace, Joy, Life, Oneness, Prayer · Tagged with: Divine Spirit, Love, Mantra, Oneness, Peace, Prayer
Morning Prayer 12/100. Across the bridge
We walked across the bridge, the Golden Gate Bridge, yesterday. Both directions. And we walked into beauty, into grace, into joy in both directions. It was never a matter of “to and from”. It was rather experiencing movement to one excitement, then turning around (after a brief rest!) and experiencing movement to another excitement. Virtually […]
In: Beauty, Change, God, Happiness, Home, Intention, Joy, Life, Oneness, Prayer
Morning Prayer 11/100. Sitting still
I am sitting still. I am moving at jet speed. Both are true. Each is a blessing. [Note: this was drafted in flight Thursday 7/16] United flight 1591 is at 35,000 feet and on the way to San Francisco. Cindy’s and my vacation started officially when the wheels left the ground. We cannot get to […]
In: Happiness, Humility, Inner Peace, Love, Oneness, Peace, Prayer, Spirituality · Tagged with: creativity, Energy, Grounding, Oneness