Archive for the ‘Prayer’ Category
Morning Prayer 26/100. No longer praying for….
Earlier this week, I stopped praying for. In my morning meditation Tuesday, I was led to realize that if I pray for something, I affirm lack of something. I am praying to fill an emptiness with whatever I am praying for, be it health or prosperity or love or relationship strength or security or peace […]
In: Affirmation, Change, Intention, Prayer, Praying · Tagged with: Affirmations, Prayer, praying, spiritual simplicity
Morning Prayer 25/100. Who I am
Who I am is the essence of self-awareness. Knowing one’s Self is knowing one’s worth, one’s joy, and one’s strength. Perhaps, the simplest (but not easiest) exploration of one’s true self-knowledge is this: Turn around “who I am” into the question “who am I?” Ask and answer. Honestly. Ask again and answer again. And again […]
In: Affirmation, God, Gratitude, Happiness, Humility, Joy, Oneness, Prayer · Tagged with: Affirmations, Christ, Divine Spirit, Joy, Love, Oneness, Peace
Morning Prayer 24/100. Bowing in the dark
“Bowing in the dark. That’s what they had to do!” Cindy referred to the tech rehearsal for her upcoming community theater production. After the curtain fell, the lights came up too slowly and the players literally took their bows in the dark. Not something any good Thespian wants to happen after a show and before […]
Morning Prayer 23/100. To the well
The phrase going to the well has gotten a lot of use. The story of Jesus and the woman from Samaria (John 4). The proverb that if one goes to the well too often, her jar breaks. The risk that training too hard for road races or triathlon results in injury. Exhaustion is the common […]