Archive for the ‘Joy’ Category
The world: what do we pray for?
Top of the world As the world turns The world on a string Around the world In his 1873 novel, Jules Verne took us Around the World in 80 Days. Less than 100 years later Mercury satellite (and television) took us around the earth in 88 minutes. Today the internet takes us not only around […]
In: God, Grace, Gratitude, Joy, Love, Peace, Prayer · Tagged with: Joy, Peace, praying, world
Myself or My Self? Which Matters More?
Myself or my Self? is probably not a question we ask often. It may be a question we’ve never considered. How we answer the question and where our answer takes us, can be an exciting journey. Lesson #358 of A Course in Miracles is Let me not forget that myself is nothing, but my Self […]
In: Grace, Joy, Love, Peace, Praying · Tagged with: Self
Keep the Dream
Today is the perfect time to renew Martin Luther King Jr’s dream and to take it beyond an end to racism. Today let’s dream for a New World, a New Peace, and a New Blessing
In: Commitment, Energy, Joy, Peace, Praying · Tagged with: Dreaj, Joy, Love, Peace, praying
Let go, let God, and listen
Let go, let God, and listen. Right now may be the best time ever to let go, let God, and listen. With all that has occurred this month and what is yet is scheduled before it’s over, that is really good advice. I first heard the adage Let go and let God from my grandmother […]
In: Christ Spirit, God, Joy, Love, Peace, Praying, Unity Principles