Archive for the ‘Christ Spirit’ Category
Let go, let God, and listen
Let go, let God, and listen. Right now may be the best time ever to let go, let God, and listen. With all that has occurred this month and what is yet is scheduled before it’s over, that is really good advice. I first heard the adage Let go and let God from my grandmother […]
In: Christ Spirit, God, Joy, Love, Peace, Praying, Unity Principles
Praying Made Easy. 2. Past Self-Doubt
Getting past self-doubt is a normal, natural desire. Just is it’s perfectly normal and natural to doubt the ability to do certain things. Even the most confident individual experiences self-doubt in the face of certain things. That’s a problem when those doubts get in the way of what we want for ourselves, what we want […]
In: Christ Spirit, Faith, Prayer, Praying · Tagged with: Faith, praying, Presence, Strength
Spiritual Authenticity: The Power of Letting Go
This morning I was thrilled to read: Spiritual authenticity is always in some way or on some level about letting go. That appeared in Richard Rohr‘s Center for Action and Contemplation meditation. I enjoyed feeling clarity thanks to the explicitness of his statement. Just let go. I understood the words and I felt I had […]
In: Authenticity, Christ Spirit, God, Humility, Prayer, Praying · Tagged with: Authenticity, Christ, Humility, Prayer
Your Best Impression
Impressions mark our lives. Those impressions we make on others; those others make on us. Now that I’m the age I am, two things occur frequently: I reflect on people I’ve known and I regret the negative impressions I’ve left on too many. Almost everything in life leaves an impression. That leaf, weighing almost nothing, left […]
In: Affirmation, Christ Spirit, Prayer · Tagged with: Christ, Oneness, spiritual simplicity, Unity