Praying Made Easy. 7. Open to Oneness

In our uniqueness we are One

Unique Oneness

Open to Oneness. Happy Holidays. Merry Christmas. Seasons Greetings.

Folks celebrate Christmas from a number of aspects. The one that has the most marvel and mystery for me is the aspect of Oneness. This holiday hails the arrival of Jesus, blessed by and with the Christ Spirit. That blessing allowed, encouraged, Jesus to live as One with God. Awesome.

This season gives us ample reason to consider that. I do. I long to know full-out the Oneness. To see and to feel beyond the history, the songs, the decorations and the gifts–and all of those bring me exceptional joy.

How can we know and celebrate Oneness? How can we toast the season, sing the carols, unwrap the presents, and surround that all with utter consciousness of being One? Not merely the unity of each of us with spirit. The unity among every one, all of us as One with God.

I get close. I know that two activities — one every morning, one at random frequency — help me move closer.

These things work for me. What works for you to be open to Oneness?

A Prayer for Oneness

Presence and Power,
I strive to move beyond human language
and let its words not put you “there” and me “here”.
Past the language that separates us
I celebrate Oneness.
Thank you that we understand the concept
and that we exert our spirit to know its reality.
These human bodies and the many, many facets
of our civilization impose a separation
that is not real.
We are One Being. We share one house: the universe
Our smile, our love, our peace know one reality
within our heart.
This beautiful season is for celebrating
that we are open to Oneness.
So it is. So we let it be. Amen.

Love and blessings,



24 December 2017

Posted on December 24, 2017 at 5:42 am by Tim · Permalink
In: God, Oneness, Prayer · Tagged with: , , ,