Expressing Peace. Water & Peace. 45.

Water and Peace

Water Falls – Pauli Carmody

Water and Peace.

There is a beautiful parallel between water and Peace.

Water nourishes. Hydration fuels every part of your physical body: cells, blood and fluids, tissue and muscle. Although you may not always drink “pure water”, whatever you drink has water as its base. Water is vital and valuable to physical existence.

Peace nourishes. The refreshment from releasing your minds from the “every day” fuels your spirituality, your connection with existence that is greater than physical.

Water calms. You may love to listen to a rippling stream, a babbling brook, the rhythmic breaking of ocean waves, the steady roar of a waterfall or the gurgle of a desktop fountain. The seamless sound of water relaxes your mind, allows you to release the tension in your neck and shoulders and face.

Peace calms. When you know Peace in your heart, you know a warmth, a fullness that assures you you need nothing else. You may access Peace anytime you choose; it is always present. You may sit quietly, breathe slowly. You may give thanks for your great and your small blessings. You may sing your joy. When you recognize the presence of Peace, you can embrace Peace.

Water satisfies and fulfills. As I swam my laps this morning, I appreciated the soothing support of water surrounding me. A long sip of cool water on a hot day fills the need and satisfies the thirst. Warm water washing the day’s soil and toil away relieves and refreshes.

Peace fulfills and satisfies. As you experience the relief, the release Peace provides, you enjoy the feeling “all is well.” The moment after “amen” brings the satisfaction of connecting with Spirit. Freedom from stress comes from Peace washing the human worries and fears from your mind.

Water and Peace. Peace and water.

Good Friend GOD,
the beautiful flow of water and Peace
delights us.
Water quenches our thirst, refreshes our body,
nourishes our garden.
Peace fulfills our need to know True Spirit,
frees our minds,
satisfies our desires for Oneness.
The perfect cycle of nature,
reflecting your Divine Order,
fills our need for water
with rain and snow and dew.
The perfect Cycle of Spirit
fills our heart’s need for Peace,
lets us experience Love and Joy from You.
We can reflect each drop of water
we drink or feel or see reflecting sunlight
reflects as much the Peace of which We Are.
And so it is.
Amen. Amen.

Enjoy Peace. Express Peace.


Posted on September 27, 2014 at 4:36 pm by Tim · Permalink
In: Inner Peace, Joy, Love, Oneness, Peace, Prayer, Praying, Song, Thanksgiving · Tagged with: , , , ,