Is this falling off the wagon?

I want to be a constant pray-er.

24/7 doesn’t seem out of the question until I realize all the time I spend not praying. It feels even more unlikely when I realize all the good times I have to pray and don’t.

I came up with labels for situations when I can and I do (or don’t) pray.

True, All the Time: those situations that are recurrent and it’s always true that I always remember to put prayer to them.

Sort of True, Some of the Time: those situations where it’s a little true because occasionally I bring my praying.

Not True, Never Happens: those situations I may think “Great prayer opp!” after it’s past; that is praying I never really experience.

Here are some examples…

I go out for a run. Without fail and with great gusto I thank Spirit 5-10 strides after I begin running. That I can run, that I do get to run, and that I am running are big reasons for me to pray. And the reasons I never forget to pray. True all the Time.

Either driving to work or sitting down at my desk in the morning, I express gratitude that I love my work. I affirm that the day and all its doings will be successful. Sometimes I even pray for those I work with! I don’t remember to do it every day. I wish I did. Sort of True Sometimes.

Time with my sister. Robin’s challenged and lives in an assisted living facility 25 miles distant. I see her regularly. I love her dearly. I don’t relish the drive to and from taking her to Sunday dinner. I rarely think to pray on my way to meet her.  I always feel like praying (and do!) on my way home after our dinner. Another Sort of True Some of the Time, I guess.

Yesterday as I was running. A Cadillac almost hit me. I almost shouted for the driver to come back. I could see him reversing his car, rolling down the window and letting me tell him I’d just said two prayers. One prayer was thanks I was not hit. The other prayer was he had not hit me. Almost being hit is true; the rest is Not True, Never Happened.

So if praying is like being “on the wagon”, is failing to pray as often as I want like falling off? Whether or not it is, I’m pleased to become more prayer-minded.  At least.

Knowing that, I affirm that it’s all good and that praying is my joy.

Love and blessings,

Posted on May 2, 2013 at 4:55 pm by Tim · Permalink
In: Affirmation, Joy, Prayer, Spirituality · Tagged with: , ,