Why But One Heart?

So we have two of many body parts: ears, eyes, lungs, arms, legs….

Each of us has one heart, a physical organ that effectively manages circulation of blood, our life fluid.

Every one of us also is the Heart that is our spiritual core, the center of our connection with Spirit.

Spirit is the Presence (in every one of us) of Love, Peace, Grace, Joy and so much more. Safe to say that Spirit is all Heart, meaning so much more than that physical pump.

So it is also safe to say that our Heart is united with Spirit’s Heart, truly meaning your Heart (and mine and everyone’s) is one with Spirit’s Heart.

Language can confuse. We have one heart for our physical living. We are One Heart as we know and enjoy complete unity with spirit and with all Being.

We are so much more than “but one heart.”

In The Book of Awakening, Mark Nepo compares one’s ability to love wth a bird’s ability to fly. The bird must open its wings if it is to fly; you must open your heart if you are to love. Certainly that applies to love between people: brothers and sisters, parents and children, friends and lovers. More profoundly it applies to the Love we share Spirit, the Love that is One Heart.

In how many ways may we open our Heart?

Sweet Spirit, Sweet Heart
We are One with You and grateful it is so.
We delight in the fullness and the peace of sharing Heart.
We know the constant flow of your Love, your Joy, your Peace
and your Creation. Thank you, Spirit. Thank you, Heart.

Enjoy our Oneness!


Posted on July 27, 2013 at 3:40 pm by Tim · Permalink
In: God, Love, Oneness, Prayer, Spirituality · Tagged with: , , ,