Morning Prayer 35/100. Flashlight blessing.
My flashlight blessing this morning sticks in my mind.* Alex and I were walking well before dawn. Quite dark. I was carrying the short, almost pocket-sized flashlight. Alex had situated himself, leg-raised, alongside a mailbox post. I saw in the darkness a leaf by the curb. Loving the crisp crackle-crunch from stepping on a dried […]
In: Affirmation, Gratitude, Grounded, Happiness, Humility, Inner Peace, Life, Oneness, Prayer · Tagged with: Divine Spirit, Energy, God, Joy, Love, Oneness, Peace, spiritual simplicity
Morning Prayer 33/100. Steady pace
Moving at a steady pace is most often your best bet. I went out to run earlier than usual one morning last week. All along the way, a 10-yard stretch of grass separates sidewalk from boulevard. I rounded a curve and came upon a doe and two fawn, perhaps 3 weeks old, grazing on that […]
In: Beauty, Change, Commitment, Energy, Grounded, Happiness, Humor, Joy, Life, Peace, Prayer, Praying, Spirituality, Strength, Wellness · Tagged with: Energy, Grounding, Joy, Love, Oneness, Peace, power of good, praying, spiritual simplicity
Morning Prayer 32/100. Spiritual sketching
Always a doodler and lately drawn to serious drawing, I’ve loved discovering spiritual sketching. Scribbling and doodling — just making marks on the page — have always had appeal. Yet, I recently noticed the several sketch pads and colored pencils and drawing pens I’ve collected but never put to use. So I signed up for […]
In: Beauty, Change, Colors, Creativity, Gratitude, Happiness, Joy, Life, Prayer, Spirituality · Tagged with: Divine Spirit, Energy, Joy, Love, Oneness, Peace, praying, spiritual simplicity
Morning Prayer 30/100. Here and now.
Here and now — this place at this instant — is reality. Nothing else is. Here and now can be very hard to stay in. What happened 5 minutes ago was reality then. The turkey and cheese sandwich I made then is still reality, sitting here on the desk beside my laptop. However, the act of […]