Hurricane Prayers
Between Harvey and Irma is the perfect time for Hurricane Prayers. So little time, just two weeks. And between Irma and Harvey is the perfect space for Hurricane Prayers. So little space, in the scheme of the Universe. No matter how many prayers we’ve said since Harvey first became a threat, since Harvey came ashore […]
In: Affirmation, Happiness, Home, Inner Peace, Life, Peace, Prayer, Strength · Tagged with: Divine Spirit, Energy, Faith, Joy, Peace, Strength
Lighten Up! There’s No Reason Not To.
Lighten up! Take that seriously and with several grains of the certainty that it’ll be good for you if you do! The reasons for lightening up are many. They include less stress and greater peace of mind. When you make the effort to remove the “weight of the world” from your very strong shoulders, you […]
In: Energy, Happiness, Healing, Inner Peace, Joy, Peacefulness, Prayer, Praying · Tagged with: Energy, Joy, Peace, spiritual simplicity
Breathing Is Praying
Breathing is pretty important, yes? Yes! Simplified to bare essentials breathing is “the process of moving air into and out of the lungs to facilitate gas exchange mostly by bringing in oxygen and flushing out carbon dioxide.” By our doing that involuntarily, without our even thinking about it, we stay alive. Pretty big deal that […]
In: Breath, Energy, Peace, Peacefulness, Prayer · Tagged with: Breath, Energy, Peace, praying
Life Speed: Fast and Slow
Most of us live at dual life speed: fast and slow. Some things we want or need to hurry through. Other activities invite us to linger and enjoy. Of course, those are not the same fast items or slow choices for all of us. To each her or his own, for certain. There are some […]