Expressing Peace. Work. 56.
Work. As much as we resist it, complain about it, feel oppressed by it, work really is (can be) a source of peace. That we have work to do, gratifies. It gives us opportunity to earn an income or tend to family or create a product. Work gives us security. That we can do the […]
In: Energy, Happiness, Healing, Home, Peace, Prayer, Praying, Work · Tagged with: Divine Spirit, Peace, praying
Expressing Peace. Mantra, Affirmation, Prayer. 54.
Mantra. Affirmation. Prayer. Easy to get them mixed up. No reason to. Really, no reason to differentiate among them. Each serves the same purpose: as a way to connect more closely with Spirit. Some say the heart of a mantra is the rhythm, the vibration it creates that opens our Self to Spirit. Some say […]
In: Affirmation, God, Mantra, Peace, Prayer · Tagged with: Affirmations, Divine Spirit, Joy, Love, Peace, Prayer
Expressing Peace. Evening. 40.
The sun sets with sigh-like peacefulness. Evening peace delights. End of day complement to the morning sun’s energetic burst. Evening marks our gentle transition from the busy-ness of day to the easy-ness of night. Evening suggests the peace at the end of a task when we put away our tools, our work, our need to […]
In: Beauty, Forgiveness, Home, Inner Peace, Peace, Peacefulness, Prayer, Praying · Tagged with: Divine Spirit, Forgiveness, Peace, Prayer, praying, thanksgiving
Expressing Peace. Humor. 28
Humor gives me peace. All kinds of humor: from a very slight grin to 5 minutes of breath-stealing laughter. I like the humor of plays on words. I like the humor of word-play more than most people, perhaps. I grew up on knock-knock jokes. It’s fun that a riddle makes me chuckle that “I should […]
In: Energy, Happiness, Humor, Inner Peace, Joy, Peace, Peacefulness, Prayer, Wellness · Tagged with: creativity, Divine Spirit, Joy, Peace, Prayer, spiritual simplicity