Expressing Peace. Smiles. 41.

Smiling Peace

Smiling Peace

Smiling creates peace. In every instance, a smile generates peace, shares peace, and receives peace.

When we smile, we experience what I call the Feel-Good Factor. A true, sincere smile creates a good feeling within. Just as a smile feels better on the face (because it uses fewer muscles) than a frown, the act of smiling fills our insides with feel-good. As a smile is an outward expression, it has a wonderful inward effect. Give it a try. Smile (don’t just grin) and notice the emotional feel-good inside.

Another smiling peace benefit is the Smile-Back Factor. Experimenting on the NYC subways for a month in 1995, I smiled at 25 strangers every day. Again, a true, sincere smile and not just a grin or lazy lip curl. I kept records: I sent out 575 smiles. I received 546 smiles in return, or 95%. Consider this: my smile made me feel good and gave the other person a reason to smile back which probably made them feel good. Feeling good is a primary characteristic of peace.

Finally, smiles produce the All-That-Matters Factor.  I suggest that at the moment you smile, nothing is happening in your heart or in your mind except whatever is causing the smile plus the smile’s good feelings. And that is awesome peace. Even if it lasts only as long as the smile, all care, concern, stress, trouble and worry disappear. All that matters are the smile and whatever brings it on. Smiling peace? For sure!

Each factor produces peace. Each factor allows us to us to know the connection between our at-this-moment smiling peace and our for-all-time spiritual Peace.

Smiling Spirit,
thank you that it feels so good to smile.
I plan to remember.
Thank you that a smile returned makes me happy.
I plan to smile more often.
Thank you that the peaceful moment when I smile
reveals that what bothers me’s not real
and all that matters is the peace from smiling.
I plan to smile and enjoy that peace.
I plan to smile thanks to that peace.
I plan to smile thanks to you for all Peace.
And so it is.
Amen. Amen.

Enjoy Peaces. Smile Peace.


Posted on September 23, 2014 at 11:42 am by Tim · Permalink
In: Energy, Happiness, Inner Peace, Oneness, Peace, Peacefulness, Prayer, Praying, Thanksgiving · Tagged with: , , , ,