Expressing Peace. Peace Rocks. 42.

peace rocks

Peace Rocks

Peace rocks.

I’ve carried perhaps a dozen peace rocks with me over the past 20 years.

I hold the peace rock in my hand. It reminds me Peace Is.

I touch it in my pocket. It lets me feel the ease of Peace.

I think of it, remembering I have it. It tells me Peace is a rock and that we may perceive that rock as fragile.

Peace rocks.

We pave our pathways with rocks. We walk along our Peace, sure of our footing, from place to place.

We line our gardens with rocks. We enjoy the Peace of earth and stone, and of their complement.

We build our shelter with rocks. We surround ourselves with Peace.

Peace rocks.

A thousand years. A million years. A billion years. Peace is older than even the oldest rock.

Rocks survive. They wear and smooth and adapt. Peace is forever. When we discard our bodies and they rest in peace, our Being thrives in Peace, with Peace, as Peace.

Peaceful Presence,
that stone and Peace are of the same eternity comforts me.
The rock I touch and feel as smooth
reminds me I AM Peace.
The path I walk and feel as true
assures me I AM Peace.
The house in which I live and know as home
surrounds my Peace with Peace, One Peace.
Sweet Spirit, you bless me to know plain rocks,
so frequent in my every day,
as testimony and reminder of your Peace.
You give us ways to have the rocks
fulfill our needs and serve our purposes
that we may build from Peace.
The rock is strong and smooth
or sharp and jagged,
a pebble or a mountain,
in every instance it reflects Our Peace
and we are thankful.
And so it is.
Amen. Amen.

Enjoy Peace. Express Peace.


Posted on September 24, 2014 at 4:35 pm by Tim · Permalink
In: Affirmation, Beauty, Home, Oneness, Peace, Prayer, Praying · Tagged with: , , , ,