Pray and Play…or Play and Pray

playingThis is the perfect time for praying playfully.

Or for playing prayerfully?

Either way, any time is the perfect time.

Good Friend, God,
the play talking with you brings is
amazing, delighting, laugh-making
sometimes tear-bringing.
It’s so much fun.
Bubble-blowing, tag-playing, child-being.
Took me years to get over
the fear that made me think praying is
serious, even severe,
quiet, mannerly, bowed-head
and always ending with wondering
did you hear me?
did you listen?
You got me over.
Above and beyond any sense
that kept me from
applause, high-fives, guffaws
and calling you
whatever, whenever, however
moves me.
You hear. You listen. Now, I do too.

Play with your praying. Pray while you’re playing.


Posted on January 2, 2014 at 5:26 pm by Tim · Permalink
In: Affirmation, Happiness, Joy, Oneness, Prayer, Song, Zeal · Tagged with: , , ,