Expressing Peace. Praying. 16.

Praying Peace

Praying Peace

To talk here about the peace I feel when I pray may be “preaching to the choir.”

And to reinforce the peace I feel after I’ve prayed may be to say, “Let’s hear it again!”

Yet this morning I experienced powerful connections among my meditation, the praying that followed, and the journaling that followed that. I want to share because it’s an experience worth creating, worth receiving, and worth enjoying. Sometimes wonderful things happen and if we’re not expecting them we miss the wonder.

My current meditation is 108 breaths. Slow, deep breaths with an audible mantra on the exhale. Of my history with mediation, this one is the most effective.

Soon into meditating, I noticed I was thinking of and seeing people I’ve known, loved, worked with. They kept coming: individuals, couples, large groups. Rather than get hung up on detailed thinking about them, I was able to release them as I just breathed. That was peace. Enjoying a parade without expecting the coming float or holding tightly to what’s already passed.

Coming out of the meditation, I wanted to wrap each person I’d just seen in prayer. And so I did. I am still not sure if I was praying for them or with them or about them. I am sure it doesn’t matter. In an especially intense way I felt embraced by the peace that I affirmed embracing each and all of them. I’d like to say my mind was 100% into the praying, but I must admit part of my consciousness was on the peace I was feeling, especially deep peace.

And then I picked up my prayer journal in which I write any and everything about praying. I found myself writing about the peace that accompanied meditation. And then writing of the peace that accompanied praying. After that I wrote of the peace I felt as I was writing.

Swimming in a pool. Diving into ocean waves. Standing under a shower. Each is water, getting wet, experiencing a form of bathing. And each is typically pleasant. And all are different from one another. So was each peace I experienced this morning. So beautiful they took me back to praying.

Powerful One
planning to talk with you, consciously
even audibly, brings the peace of anticipation:
peace that excites, secures, soothes.
Sharing thought with you
whether words or images,
aloud or silently,
in motion or at rest,
satisfies and slows my senses.
Knowing our connection more intimate
than just communicating
lets me know ease and joy and peace.
And when I say “amen”
my peace goes on:
Content as after dinner served
or goodnight shared.
And so it is.
Amen. Amen.

Enjoy Peace. Express Peace.


Posted on August 29, 2014 at 11:43 am by Tim · Permalink
In: Affirmation, Humility, Inner Peace, meditation, Oneness, Peace, Peacefulness, Prayer · Tagged with: , , , ,