Expressing Peace. Portable Peace. 36.

starbucksPortable peace is peace you carry with you. Yes, but, peace at Starbucks?

This is a different Expressing Peace than the Coffee Peace (20). That one dealt with the first cup of the morning. Sitting at a nearby Starbucks, I’m motivated to write about the peace surrounding me. It’s peace brought in by customers. It’s portable peace.

Starbucks may be as famous for its “portability” as for its coffee. It offers portability for office work, studying, meeting a friend, discussing business, reading, writing. It’s not that Starbucks (or any coffee bistro) offers coffee to go. That’s not the portable I mean.

It’s the energetic peace (the peaceful energy?) that customers bring with them. Portable peace.

Sitting here, now, I smell the coffee, hear the conversations’ hum, see heads over books and keyboards, and feel the positive energy filling the room.

Take a moment and reflect on places you go that are busy, crowded, talk-filled. Can you feel the energy? Does that translate for you as peace? Is it easy to see that peace is not always sitting still, being quiet, doing nothing. Peace is anything that lets you feel the peace, anything that lets you know your connection with Spirit’s Peace.

Sitting here, now, I enjoy my connection with Peace. I enjoy the connection that everyone around me has with Peace.

Best Friend GOD,
Wherever I am, I can know Peace.
Wherever I am, you are too.
As you are ever present
and you are Peace,
then Peace is all around me.
You allow us so many ways
to enjoy peace as we define it.
You give us the power
as individual beings to create our peace,
to reflect our peace,
and to share our peace with others.
What pleasure you give
that we may see in another’s eyes
or smile or tilt of head
the peace they know,
the Peace you are.
And so it is.
And so we thank you, GOD.
Amen. Amen.

Enjoy Peace. Express Peace.


Posted on September 18, 2014 at 1:22 pm by Tim · Permalink
In: Energy, Happiness, Peace, Prayer, Praying · Tagged with: , ,