My Thank You Path

pathImagine a path. Imagine it beautiful and inviting.

Mine is through a canopy of trees. Sunshine flickers through the leaves and pebbles the path with light.

I start off on the path, walking slowly. I allow each foot to fall softly on the soft earth. As one foot touches down, I say, “Thank you, God.”  As the next foot follows, I name the specific blessing.

Step. Thank you, God. Step. For the fun lunch with Robin.

Step. Thank you , God. Step. For the compliments from my manager.

Step. Thank you, God. Step. For the mockingbirds nesting in our porchside hedge.

I know that saying thank you for a different blessing with every step, I can walk forever.

Good Friend God,
for all the ways you let me say ‘Thank you’
thank you.
I share my thanks one step at a time.
Your blessings are too many
to ever run out of thank yous,
to ever stop walking the path
you lay ahead of me.
One step at a time, Sweet Spirit, thank you.
One step at a time.


Posted on May 5, 2014 at 9:05 am by Tim · Permalink
In: Affirmation, Commitment, God, meditation, Prayer, Thanksgiving · Tagged with: , , , , ,