Morning Prayer 20/100. Gratitude
If you don’t know the language of gratitude, you’ll not be on speaking terms with happiness. (Unknown source)
Meister Eckhardt said that if “Thank you!” is the only prayer one ever says, that will be enough.
I’m delighted to be discovering/uncovering more and more ways to be aware of my gratitude. That means in turn I am discovering/uncovering the benefits that brings. Quite simply, the more I feel and express and share my thanks, the more reasons I find. A Pandora’s box in the positive.
All sorts of scientific evidence show that gratitude pays off. Follow the links for interesting reading!
- Feeling that “life is better“
- Increased energy and exercise
- More eagerness to do good for others
- Stronger primary relationships
- Improved health and motility
- And more….
And there are all sorts of non-scientific ways to tap into your gratitude, to know your gratitude, and to bring the additional benefits gratitude brings. (The Return on Gratitude: the ROG?)
- Write a simple list of all the things for which you’re grateful. Give yourself plenty of time to realize all the gratitudes you know. Maybe a couple of returns to the list. Read the list frequently, regularly. Reflect on the items as you read.
- Write an everyday list every day. It’s a list you write every day and it itemizes the everyday things for which you’re grateful. I write mine (“Top Ten Thankful Tankful”) every morning.
- Make sure you share your gratitude with someone every day. Tell them what brings you gratitude. Invite them to share theirs with you.
- Let someone know that you are thankful they are in your life. Let them know how they create that gratitude.
I am thankful for being led to write this. Thank you for any thoughts you wish to share.
God of Blessings, God of Thanks,
you provide so many reasons for my gratitude
and all have meaning, from the most minuscule
to the most outstanding.
You fill my heart with Peace and Joy.
You fill my mind with your Awareness.
You fill my body with laughter and health,
with energy and ability.
You bring me through my senses appreciation
of the world we share.
You bring me through my awareness belief
in the Truth we are.
You bring me through my spirit faith
that we are One.
God, thank you for all that is.
Thank you that I AM.
And so it is.
Love and blessings,
In: Gratitude, Happiness, Intention, Joy, Life, Oneness, Peace, Prosperity, Spirituality, Thanksgiving · Tagged with: Divine Spirit, Energy, Joy, Love, Oneness, Prosperity, thanksgiving