If only a piece of peace

At lease a piece of peace desired
Peace. If only a piece of peace. The threats–or the mere feeling of being threatened–by the chaos (is it?) happening now, all at once, all around. How do we deal with that? How do we make small steps toward peace not just here, now but going forward.
It would be fatal for the nation to overlook the urgency of the moment. (Martin Luther King, 8/28/1963)
If we know God is the power and the presence and we call on the Christ Spirit in ourselves to know that really, daily, then why do we doubt that this will end and end well? Why do we doubt that this is Divine Order when it seems anything, everything but divine?
The What of Peace
This post is not to answer why. Just what and how. What I can do and how I can do it. And what I choose not to do. Obviously, it’s time to do, rather than to think about doing.
Now is the time to make justice a reality for all of God’s children. (Martin Luther King, 8/28/1963)
First and foremost for me is praying. Praying in ways that affirm my faith in being, which is faith in One Being, which is faith in all of us. Praying that affirms our ability to move beyond seeing fault. That movement is Spirit-given and Spirit-driven. It does not mean failing to see or consciously ignoring. It does mean seeing what must be changed. And choosing to be part of the change from what we see.
Praying to be part of the change begins with the action of forgiving. First, forgiving myself my sight being slow to focus on the human actions and interactions. Then forgiving myself for being judgmental in so many different ways. Forgiving myself for being slow to know in my heart and with my Godmind that all and each of us is Spirit. That forgiving allows me to know that is truth and my knowing that truth imparts the knowing to others. And forgiving myself for even thinking of giving up on that consciousness if I sense it is not taking hold as fast as I want it to.
Affirming Peace
Praying then affirms that the universe knows its truth, finds its grounding, feels and accepts its Oneness. Affirms that we are beginning to remove the anguish and fear that makes us separate our selves much more than mere socially distancing. My praying affirms that such fear and doubt are false, that love is true, removes all fear and doubt from mis-believing minds.
Let us not seek to satisfy our thirst for freedom by drinking from the cup of bitterness
and hatred….Again and again, we must rise to the majestic heights of meeting physical force with soul force.
(Martin Luther King, 8/28, 1963)
Praying for Forgiveness for Peace
Spirit of Love, Spirit of Life, Spirit of Peace
and Spirit of Forgiveness,
I am eager to forgive myself for all that I have seen
but not truly beheld on this human earth.
Even more, I want now to forgive myself for all the inaction
I’ve allowed for myself.
I thank you, God, for my faith in the power of affirmation,
the faith that what we think, what we put forth to the universe
as fruit of our concentration and commitment is already becoming real.
That faith I affirm and with that faith I affirm peace among and for
all of your children. I affirm that we are individual beings of One Spirit.
Peace among us all, peace without hesitation or question, peace
as our reality is my greatest affirmation. Affirming
that we are beginning to remove the anguish and fear that make us separate
our selves. Affirmations that fear and doubt are false, that love is true.
God of Peace, I am thankful that this prayer is heard.
And so it is. And so I let it be. Amen.
Love & blessings,
June 1, 2020
In: Affirmation, Peace, Prayer, Praying · Tagged with: Affirmations, Love, Peace, Prayer, praying