Freshen Spirit.

Freshen spirit
Now we will freshen the spirit leg of the body-mind-spirit triangle. Each leg contributes to our total being. Admittedly, we have progressed in these 3 posts from least to most important, from tool (body) to carpenter (mind) to architect (spirit).
This third leg is our connection with that something greater than (but not necessarily ‘outside of’) ourself. I call it God. It may be Yahweh, Abba, Energy, Source, or even nameless. My spirit connects my heart with my mind, connects my everyday this-and-that with the ideal of all I am (and you are) part of. It is beyond being human being. It certainly involves that.
Why freshen it? The more I rely on what I believe and how I view the belief, the more comfortable I am. Comfort comes with familiarity. I won’t go so far as “familiarity breeds disrespect.” I can, however, say comfort lets me take the belief for granted which, for me, can mean staleness.
And staleness calls for refreshing! So. Five tips for freshening your/my/our spirit.
I hold three points essential:
- You can pray anyway you want because there are infinite ways to pray, not only with words.
- As there is not only ‘one right way’, there is no wrong way to pray.
- More praying is better.
Singing may be the best way to praise your very own spirit. Find the songs that lift your personal spirit. Sing them aloud. Then sing them louder. Sing them loud.

Seeing spirit
Because spirit is not just something we each possess individually, it is possible to see the abundance of spirit just about every place you look. The trick is to build the habit, until it becomes second nature, to pause and see. To notice and appreciate. To stop and see the roses and the vine and the leaves and the thorns and their oneness. Hint: decide tomorrow morning to “stop and notice” 5 times. During the day, check-in and verify that you have stopped, you have noticed.
Tune up your ears. As you see more, hear more too. Barraged by words, noise, sounds, it may require special effort to listen actively for sounds you don’t normally hear. Check the recent post regarding silence. Then do not just hear, do not just listen. Make a moment for yourself to reflect on the presence of spirit, your spirit, in whatever you hear.
Here I give spirit a spiritual meaning. Learn how others approach spirit. Bring into play the first 4 tips. How do others pray? What does praying do for them? How do their songs express their faith, their praise? Do you observe specific lessons from their rituals and their realities? What do you hear, perhaps from the small voice inside your head?
Spirit Freshener
Sweet Spirit,
you are the supreme blessing,
the presence and power that connects
all parts of my being–
my body and mind–
with all parts of your creation.
The awareness I have of all that surrounds me
reinforces that I am One with all of that,
that all of that is One with me.
And so it is. And so I thank you, Spirit.
Love and blessings,
8 June 2017