Faith at Work

Faith at Work
“Faith at Work” appeared as a regular piece in the Beaumont Enterprise “back when”. Cleaning up my office and flipping through an old cluster of pictures, I found a photocopy of the Faith at Work that featured my grandmother, Gram, aka Carmen Whatley.
I read it quickly and as a result was inspired and heart-touched that what she said then. I suspect it was late or early ’70s. Likewise, it is true–maybe even truer–today. Gram said it simpler, better than I did 40-some years later.
Faith at Work
“Faith is a dream all hearts know–‘the evidence of things not seen’. We have not seen it, yet it walks with us. We have not touched it, yet it holds our hand.”
With these words Mrs. Carmen Whatley — library assistant in charge of the Texas Room at Tyrrell Library — initiates her statement of belief.
She points out that “In the study of history, be it Biblical, ancient, European, American or Texas, faith has been the substance that gave men the strength to persevere. Faith gave them desire, common sense, a steady head and a brave heart to dare and to push progress ever onward.”
“This simple faith is our greatest hope for tomorrow.”
Mrs. Whatley relates that many years ago, Thomas Edison, when addressing a group of young men said:
“My message to you is: Be courageous and have faith. I have lived a long time; I have seen history repeat itself again and again. I have seen changes in business and man — but always America comes out more prosperous. Dare to be brave, have faith in God, your fellow man, and above all yourself and you will always go upward.”
In concluding Mrs. Whatley shares a poem which had impressed her when she first read it and which took some researching to relocate. “It was worth the effort,” she says. “Its simple title is ‘Faith’–and its message is simple, too.”
I cannot add the numbers.
The list is much too long
Of the gifts that God has given
To make life a song.
The road has not been easy.
I’ve had my share of tears;
And loads of disappointments
And pain throughout the years.
But every day’s a challenge
To try to meet the test
And always to remember
I am so divinely blest.
Faith at Work for us…now!
I delight in finding my copy of Gram’s thoughts about faith. Seems like this is a wonderful time to pay attention to our faith. Certainly, it is the joyful season for celebrating so many different faiths…and perhaps the common bond they all have. Because now we are faced with the need for faith in our democracy and our democratic process, it’s good to know that faith works. Consequently, that very likely calls upon our greater faith in Spirit and in the best and greatest outcome.
I love the title of the Beaumont Enterprise’s piece, Faith at Work. And I love my Gram’s reinforcement that faith indeed works.
Celebration of Faith at Work
Sweet Spirit who ignites and rewards my faith
Thank you for giving me the reconnect with Gram.
What sweet reminders of her faith and that she held it so dear
in so many everyday ways.
Which makes me conscious in my everyday ways
that I learned the power of faith from her
and that the learning stuck with me
and became real long after
when my faith became real.
So, thank you for my faith at work:
that I affirm the best results
before I see but while I know their truth.
And thank you, God, that it is no work
to know the experience of faith at work.
And so it is! Amen!!
Love and blessings,
December 9, 2019
In: Belief, Faith, Prayer, Praying · Tagged with: Faith, Prayer, praying