Expressing Peace. Growth. 18.

Growth - African Violet

Peace from Growth

Growth may not always be easy. It’s change. It’s stretch. It’s being/becoming different from what we were.

But  I don’t think it’s a contradiction to say, “Growth is peace.”

That African violet plant sits on the table in our kitchen. We don’t dine at that table; the cats readily jump on and off. For a time, the cats dined at that table — on the African violets missing from the picture.

We haven’t seen flowers there since February. But I tenderly water the plant weekly. Recently I noticed the lighter green, fresh leaves sprouting from its center.

At once, I thought how peaceful that the African violet put forth new growth. At once, the plant was a center-of-the-table-never-mind-the-cats symbol of doing what we are meant to do.

Steadfast. Going about a commitment — whether assigned or assumed — with steadfast persistence has to be peaceful. That’s the only way to make it work, without making it “work”.

I’m thinking the African violet is demonstrating that steadfast peace, not laboring under the “I must do this” insistence. Just doing. Very probably enjoying.

Loving Gardener,
We grow with joy
that we become more conscious
of the beauty of Being.
We grow with energy
that we fulfill our place and time
by being all we want to be.
We grow with love
that we embrace the boundless opportunities
to sense and say and share
our gratitude that we are ever becoming.
All this is that we grow with Peace,
we grow in Peace,
we grow as Peace.
And we say thank you, GOD.
And so it is. Amen. Amen.

Enjoy Peace. Express Peace.


Posted on August 31, 2014 at 8:35 am by Tim · Permalink
In: Beauty, Commitment, Energy, Joy, Love, Peace, Prayer · Tagged with: , , , ,