Divine Order and the Unity Principles (2)

The second Unity Principle:

Human beings have a spark of divinity — the Christ Spirit — within them.

And Divine Order goes right along with that.

Consider: God is all.

Consider: we are all one with God.

Consider: we are all One.

Let me repeat my definition of Divine Order: a heavenly, Spirit-arranged harmony among and for all things.

Seems a sure bet the One we are is the perfect example of harmony…at the spiritual level.

The idea(l) of Divine Order suggests to me this reversal:

The spark of Divinity is not within the human being. That suggests the physical is bigger, more inclusive than the spiritual. Rather we are spiritual children of God, totally so. We merely don the human costume. Then, acting our lives from within that costume can take our attention away from Divine Order, by taking our attention away from the Christ Spirit that we are, first and foremost.

Jesus exemplifies the perfect actualization of the Christ Spirit, knowing the truth of Divine Order above all else, seeing the limitations of the human actings, and knowing/showing our power to live in and by that Diving Order.

The Christ Spirit we are is our access to realizing Divine Order as truth. The Christ Spirit we are is also the truth that we are of Divine Order.


Posted on February 28, 2012 at 3:01 am by Tim · Permalink
In: Christ Spirit, God, Oneness, Prayer, Unity Principles · Tagged with: , ,