Expressing Peace. Daily Word (2). 78.
Today’s Daily Word says, “We have spiritual power and through our peaceful thoughts, words, and actions, we can create a peaceful world…….I think peace, speak peace, and act in ways that foster peace. I am a peace maker.” The daily word: World Peace.
By today — Day 78 — it must be obvious that I agree — even identify — with that statement. At the same time, I want to take expansion. Expansion, rather than exception.
I would have “world peace” mean more than we normally mean it, not only among nations, tribes, ethnic identities. The intention of today’s Daily Word is the conscious link between our thinking, speaking and acting to foster peace throughout the world.
The truth is that as we think peace, as we speak (and write) peace, and as we foster peace in our solitary acts and our actions for others, then we make peace in our lives also. We make and know peace in our hearts, in our minds, in our physical being. That allows us to make peace at the kitchen table, among traffic on our highways, in the dairy section at the grocery store.
Perhaps that seems “one person at a time”peace. Yet, the expression of our peace beyond the human world connects with the Spirit that is the Universe, connects with the On that is All. The connecting words, the words that fit in that “……” in the Daily Word passage above are “Through prayer, I strengthen my practice of peace.”
No matter how (or how much) we pray, our peace, our kitchen table peace, reaches out as world peace.
Maker and Giver of Peace,
we would have peace throughout the world.
We consciously affirm as real the peace
we see with our hearts’ eyes
and bless with our hearts’ love.
We know and hold as our intention
universal peace, love fully present.
As much we thank you for the peace we know
that places joy at our front door
and laughter in our friends’ voices
and worthiness throughout the work we do.
The broad span of all that peace is
and does and gives fills our prayers
with our thanks for what is real in our daily lives
and conscious in our hearts’ vision.
And so it we thank you, GOD.
Amen. Amen.
In: Home, Inner Peace, Intention, Oneness, Peace, Prayer, Praying, Thanksgiving · Tagged with: Faith, Joy, Love, Oneness, Peace, Prayer, praying, spiritual simplicity