Archive for the ‘Mantra’ Category
AFFIRMantra 1. Joy.
AFFIRMantra: a positive declaration you believe, you speak aloud, and which vibrates to the core of your faith. The joy I am flows in me. The joy we know is the joy we are. It is perfectly true to state: I AM Eternal Joy. Your joy is not something that happens to you; nor is it anything that […]
In: Affirmation, Joy, Mantra, Prayer · Tagged with: Affirmations, Joy, Mantra
Expressing Peace. Mantra, Affirmation, Prayer. 54.
Mantra. Affirmation. Prayer. Easy to get them mixed up. No reason to. Really, no reason to differentiate among them. Each serves the same purpose: as a way to connect more closely with Spirit. Some say the heart of a mantra is the rhythm, the vibration it creates that opens our Self to Spirit. Some say […]
In: Affirmation, God, Mantra, Peace, Prayer · Tagged with: Affirmations, Divine Spirit, Joy, Love, Peace, Prayer
Expressing Peace. Peace Mantra. 22.
A peace mantra can be a powerfully peaceful addition to meditation. Not necessary but potentially a plus. Do you meditate with a mantra? Mantra is thought to mean “mind protector.” Perhaps a mantra protects the mind from following distracting thoughts when one meditates. If I’ve meditated 25 years, perhaps I’ve used 25 mantras. Not necessarily […]
In: Affirmation, Chakra, Inner Peace, Mantra, Peace, Prayer, Spirituality · Tagged with: Affirmations, Divine Spirit, Peace, Prayer, praying, spiritual simplicity