Archive for the ‘Joy’ Category
Our Spiritual Flow
I learned to swim when I was 5. First lesson scared me almost breathless. 6 weeks later, I could jump fearlessly into the water, paddle joyfully to the other side of the pool, climb out and do it again. My spiritual flow started pretty much the same way. Fear to faith to joy. Ernest Holmes, […]
In: Affirmation, God, Happiness, Joy, Love, Oneness, Peacefulness, Spirituality · Tagged with: Affirmations, Divine Spirit, Faith, Joy, Love, Oneness, spiritual simplicity
Body Mind Spirit
My dilemma: denying the importance of my physical body and/but/or enjoying the freedom my body allows. As I swam laps this afternoon, each stroke made me thankful for my strength and coordination. As Cindy and I ate a healthy homemade frittata at supper, I enjoyed experiencing and satisfying my appetite. As I fall asleep in […]
In: Affirmation, Beauty, Happiness, Humility, Joy, Prayer, Wellness, Zeal · Tagged with: Affirmations, Divine Spirit, Joy
Prayer for the Week, ending.
The work week, even if only 40 hours, takes its toll. Our time off, whether actual weekend or scattered through the week, gives us the break we relish in so many ways. Gives us the break for which we have such gratitude. Tireless Spirit, the end of the work week opens our hearts to offer […]
In: Affirmation, Beauty, God, Happiness, Joy, Peacefulness, Prayer, Spirituality, Time, Work · Tagged with: Christ, God, Joy, power of good, Prayer, spiritual simplicity, thanksgiving
Prayer for An Other
The power of prayer magnifies when we pray for an other person. In truth, the prayer is not merely for the other but also for our Self. Outward bound prayer is more than doing good for the other. As we are One, the prayer initiated by concern and care for one other is literally for […]
In: Affirmation, God, Happiness, Joy, Love, Oneness, Peacefulness, Prayer, Prosperity · Tagged with: Affirmations, Divine Spirit, Joy, Love, Prayer, Prosperity