Change? Can You Make Some Change?

loose changeBob Dylan’s famous lyric — the times they are a-changin’ — was written in 1963. Certainly, the world 50 years ago was in the midst of change.

Consider how much (more) change has occurred in the half-century since then. Changes in just about every part of our lives: homes, cars, clothes, news sources, food, what we know and what we think about.

Consider, too, how much you and I have changed!  Some changes were forced upon us. Others are changes we voluntarily initiated. Changes in what we believe. Or no longer believe. Changes in things we do. Or choose to do no longer.

What is a change you didn’t want to experience but survived, possibly even grew as a result? How might you say “thank you”?

What change did you manifest, proud that you did? How might you express your gratitude?

What change happened without your noticing at the time, then surprised you with its good? How might you give thanks?

Change is. Faster. Bigger. Big enough to hug!

Source of Lasting Joy,
As the world spins around the sun,
we are grounded in your eternal permanence.

As days whirr by and change can go unnoticed,
we pause and celebrate the steadiness of your love.

As we project what’s next while moments slip away,
we revel in our peaceful stillness with you, no worries
nor fears nor needs to prepare.

All is well and certain is your grace.
And so it is. 

Be on the lookout for change, for all the good change brings!



Posted on May 29, 2014 at 3:45 pm by Tim · Permalink
In: Affirmation, Happiness, Joy, meditation, Peacefulness, Prayer, Spirituality, Thanksgiving, Time · Tagged with: , , , , ,