A Wednesday Prayer

Unity Principle 3. Human beings create their experiences by the activity of their thinking.
Everything in the manifest realm has its beginning in thought.
(Ellen Debenport, The Five Principles)

I look out my window this early morning, past my cat Whispurr to the lightening sky, as theleaves change from dark profiles to green life. I know the outer world I live in is full and abundant and beautiful.

I know God created this world through me, rather than just for me. And through you, through each of us. As God expressed each of us from Spirit, we share the creative power.

Our minds generate thought that expresses our spirit and manifests as what we experience, such wonders as this outer world.

Imaginative God, you endow me with astounding powers to make my world as I will have it. You allow me to know and think my intentions that they become real for me. I thank you, God.

Gentle reminders, God, help me too. I thank you when I recognize the truth of this principle has omnidirection.

My good, fulfilling, happy-making thoughts manifest. Thinking about pain or need or incompleteness realizes those as well.

I love that the natural beauty of Whispurr’s purring, of the sun’s slow wakeup peek at the horizon, of the calming sound of a flowing fountain, of the aroma of butter on toast–all these and so much more remind me that thoughts create, that as I think, I experience.

Why would I not think prosperously?

And so it is. And so I love you, God.


Posted on July 7, 2010 at 8:42 am by Tim · Permalink
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