A Tuesday Prayer

Early this morning I started a thought “When God is good…”.

I stopped the thought right there. I laughed in myself and asked, “When is God ever not good?” and in the same breath answered, “Never!”

Indeed, the Spirit of which I am an expression, of which each and every one of us is an expression, is perfect and therefore only good.

That good of which we are all created is the good that is God.

That good is divine, and as we are of divine creation, here is the divine in each of us: God spirit, Christ, God-mind.

Unity Principle 2. Our essence is of God; therefore, we are inherently good.
This God essence, called the Christ, was fully expressed in Jesus.

But knowing that, believing that, and living that are different points on a continuum. And so I ask God’s help that I be more than mindful of the Christ in me, of the Christ I am.

Living, loving God, this prayer asks your guidance that I may know ever ore clearly, ever more brightly, ever more sharply the Christ I am, the Christ every brother and sister is.

God, please help me know and love the perfect connection, the oneness we have with one another and with You.

Please turn my heart and mind to the grace that is,

to the joy I am,

to the Love that surpasses everything for the Love is everything.

All else disappears when I but know the Love.

And so it is. Amen.

Have a beautiful, blessed day.


Posted on July 6, 2010 at 10:32 am by Tim · Permalink
In: God, Prayer, Spirituality, Unity Principles · Tagged with: , ,