Praying Made Easy. 2. Past Self-Doubt

Getting past self-doubt is a normal, natural desire. Just is it’s perfectly normal and natural to doubt the ability to do

Little Engine That Could

The Little Engine That Could (illus. by George & Doris Hauman)

certain things. Even the most confident individual experiences self-doubt in the face of certain things.

That’s a problem when those doubts get in the way of what we want for ourselves, what we want to do, and who we want to be.

Our self-doubt can become a burden or an obstacle. That’s when our self-doubt may have an infectious result and negatively draw down other parts of our Self and of our life.

I remember doubting my ability to recognize and understand the many many processes at work in a job I’d just begun. That doubt produced two results:

  1. It slowed down my ability to do what I doubted and so it was a self-fulfilling prophecy.
  2. It impacted negatively other areas of my work: facilitating, problem solving, coaching, decision-making.

My favorite children’s book to this day is The Little Engine That Could. There is only one change I would make to the story. Because I’ve come to believe that my thoughts generate my reality, I would have the Little Engine chug up that hill saying, “I know I can. I know I can.”

As you consider praying away any self-doubt you have, introduce the art of denial. Eyes closed. Breaths taken. Simply yet forcefully state, “I deny that I doubt myself. I deny that I think I cannot and instead I know that I can!”

Next, see yourself doing and achieving whatever you doubted. See it specifically.

Today’s Past Self-Doubt Prayer

Source of Strength,
I flat out deny my doubts.
I place in complete denial any thoughts,
any emotions that “I cannot…”
I affirm that I can.
As I am your perfect creation,
I Am. I am able to do and I am blessed to have.
My certainty, Spirit, is born of my faith
that you are my Source, you are Power and Presence
in every aspect of my being.
As you are my Power and my Presence,
I am Power. Your Divinity fills me as Christ Spirit.
I deny all doubts.
I celebrate my certainty.
So it is and so I love you, God.

Love and blessings,

26 October 2017

Posted on October 26, 2017 at 5:04 am by Tim · Permalink
In: Christ Spirit, Faith, Prayer, Praying · Tagged with: , , ,