The Root Chakra
Each day this week, I intend to meditate to a different chakra.
This began with yesterday’s meditation to the simple mantra, I love you, God.
Something stirred as I finished the 108th breath and led me to a meditation per chakra.
Starting this morning with this:
Meditation to the Root Chakra, Muladhara*
Thank you, God, that I am grounded. [I love you, God.]
Thank you, God, that I am centered. [I love you, God.]
Thank you, God, that I am settled. [I love you, God.]
Thank you, God, that Life flows through me. [I love you, God.]
Thank you, God, that I share One energy. [I love you, God.]
And I repeat them–as I am able to remember them–through 108 breaths. (Yes, I use mala beads so I don’t have to count each breath!)
*The muladhara, root chakra, keeps life vulnerable and sustainable. It focuses on the securities that keep our lives progressing, fending off chaos. This chakra anchors itself to the earth when we are patient and resourceful about our lives.
Wonderful Monday!
In: Chakra, God, meditation · Tagged with: Affirmations, Chakra, God, meditation, Prayer