AFFIRMantra 7. Love.
I share unconditional love. Love you receive from Spirit is without condition, without qualification, without stipulation. GOD’s love is pure and complete and given freely, without hesitation. I share unconditional love. Your love for all that is is unconditional. The love you share requires no return. The love you express is free from constraints. The […]
In: Affirmation, Love, Mantra, Prayer, Praying · Tagged with: Affirmations, Love, Mantra, Prayer, praying
AFFIRMantra 2. Love.
AFFIRMantra: a positive declaration you believe, you speak aloud, and which vibrates to the core of your faith. Love is all the Good I am. As GOD is Love, you are Love. I am Love. This is the image of Spirit in which we are made: Love. This is the Love that is a whole […]
In: Affirmation, Love, Mantra, Prayer · Tagged with: Affirmations, Love, Mantra
Expressing Peace. Finding the Moment. 101.
Finding the moment for active peace on Saturday wouldn’t seem difficult. The weekend comes at once, looked forward to, and often captioned by a long to-do list. And though today was already full-scheduled, it was a joy to find the moment for nothing but peace this morning. Heavy rain, possible hail, slight chance of tornadoes […]
In: Joy, Life, Love, Peace, Prayer, Praying · Tagged with: Joy, Love, Peace, praying, spiritual simplicity
Expressing Peace. Exhaustion. 94.
Exhaustion happens. It happens physically. It happens mentally. It can even happen spiritually. Physical exhaustion comes from over-extending our bodily energy and strength. It’s just wearing ourselves out. It comes from working, from working out, from running out of fuel. Mental exhaustion comes from wrestling to solve a problem or racing to finish a project […]