Prescription change? For the better.

Prescription Change
A prescription change happened with my latest optometry appointment. Nothing major but a slight improvement for my near-sighted vision.
The new prescription made me consider replacing the lenses in my two favorite frames: the ones I’d bought “on special” for $76 a year ago. That was $76 for the frames and the lenses: a progressive prescription. $76 total.
I went back to Eyemart Express and asked the gentlemen to calculate the price of new lenses for the old frames. I waited and watched his nimble fingers on the calculator. ultimately, he smiled and announced: “Replacing those lenses will cost $129 per pair or $258 total.”
“Is that before or after you subtract the insurance?”
“Because we’re out of network, your insurance applies only for frames and lenses bought together, not one or the other.”
“Hold on a minute. We have frames that match those you have now. Our special is still in effect. If you’d like, you can buy 2 new pairs of glasses–frames like your old ones with the prescription change–for” (he did pause for dramatic effect) “…$76.”
How easy (or difficult) is it to take a new look at something familiar, comfortable and accept change? The way business works at Eyemart, my change was visible to my eyes only, thanks to the stronger prescription. I get the benefit of the new prescription. I keep the benefit of frames that serve me well.
Similar comfort is from my morning prayer. It began for me more than 20 years ago, during my morning runs in S. Massapequa, Long Island, NY. I added to it and changed some things over the years. For those 20 years it was as comfortable as my “on special” frames.
It still is comfortable. Yet as my comfort and confidence with Spirit have grown, my prayer prescription has somewhat changed. Centering prayer, my Prayer Box, and writing in my Prayer Conversations journal are the newer prescriptions. As I may slip on one of the older pairs of glasses to see the difference, I consciously revisit and enjoy my good friend morning prayer.
Morning Prayer: Original Rx
Living loving God, thank you for life
and for life’s blessings.
Thank you for the love, the joy, the people
of my life.
Thank you for all I am and all I am becoming.
Thank you that who I am is the possibility
for compassion and creativity and energy and humor
to make a difference for others.
And that is who I am.
Thank you for blessing me indeed
and enlarging my territory.
Thank you that your hand is with me
and keeps me from evil that I may not cause pain.
May the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart
be acceptable in thy sight, O God, my friend and my protector.
Thank you for this moment
and for this moment’s blessings.
Love and blessings,
July 10, 2017
PS. Yes, the Prayer for Jabez is part of my morning prayer. You may also recognize Psalm 19:14 paraphrased.
In: Change, God, Grounded, Joy, Life, Love, Oneness, Prayer · Tagged with: Change, Divine Spirit, Faith, Prayer