Expressing Peace. Peaceful Place. 32.

Peaceful Place

Peaceful Place

You have a peaceful place.

You many not have it immediately in your mind, but you have a special, peaceful place.

There is some simple spot, readily accessible that let’s you release tension. This place, so close at hand that you can go there in just a moment, invites you to perfect ease, complete calm, beautiful peacefulness. This is your ever-available peaceful place. The comfort is tangible. The welcome is palpable. The peace is real.

Likely the place has now come to your mind and you know it well. Perhaps, however, you are doubting, wondering what is your special, peaceful place.

Close your eyes. Know with your mind and your heart where you are physically right now: home, work, coffee place, library. Invite your mind to relax, to not think. Encourage your heart to take the lead. Listen to your heart tell you where, in the place you are now, you can truly experience peace.

Let your body hear your heart. That is Peace guiding you. Let your body go there: to that desk, that chair, that corner with the window. No matter where you are at the moment, wherever in that place your heart says you will feel peace, you will.

Let your body go there. Enjoy a few moments — as much time as you will — to be in that peaceful place.

Peaceful Presence,
Peace knows no single place
for you are Omnipresence
and you are Peace.
As I AM Peace from you
I can create my worldly peace.
You let me know that I can have
the special place
where my human being feels
the peace I want.
I hear my heart tell me where.
I let my mind guide me there.
I give my body time and place to know
the peace I do create.
And in that time and place
I know my thanks for Spirit
for Peace that is the All.
And so it is. Amen. Amen.

Enjoy Peace. Express Peace.


Posted on September 14, 2014 at 8:11 am by Tim · Permalink
In: Home, Inner Peace, Peace, Peacefulness, Prayer, Praying · Tagged with: , ,